Author: BYF Editorial Team

  • The art of awareness & self awareness

    The art of awareness & self awareness

    As Gandhi once said: “Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as being able to remake ourselves.” The reason behind the ability to remake ourselves is basically self-awareness. This is what sets humans apart from all other living beings. Awareness may simply be taken to mean consciousness; consciousness of…

  • The Reflex

    The Reflex

    Think about what happens when you suddenly hear a loud noise or someone suddenly jumps out at you as a surprise. What is it that immediately happens? Your hands probably jump to your face as your eyes tightly scrunch up, your shoulders shrug, and the rest of your body assumes a position of universal flexion,…

  • Sleep shrinks your brain and it’s good for you

    Sleep shrinks your brain and it’s good for you

    Did you know that your brain actually shrinks when you go to sleep in order to help you learn? Basically what happens during the day is that information is being continuously relayed through your neurons. These cells of the brain and the nervous system strengthen and widen throughout the day to accommodate the increasing traffic.…

  • Inattentional Blindness

    Inattentional Blindness

    Concentration is basically your mental focus working together with your other senses. The problem however is that there are millions of sensory inputs at any given time. This is much more information than the brain can handle, being able to focus only on any one given input at a time. This means that the brain…

  • Working Memory and Multitasking

    Working Memory and Multitasking

    Are you good at multitasking? Try and think about the most number of things you have done at any given time. Have you watched a TV show while talking on the phone while cutting up vegetables for dinner? What is it that makes some of us so good at multitasking while the rest of us…

  • The study of mind through the ages

    The study of mind through the ages

    The human mind and its innate workings have always been a source of fascination. The earliest evidence of this interest stems from the Ebers Papyrus, an Egyptian medical papyrus dating c. 1550 BC, which cited clinical depression. Afflictions of the mind were initially considered the result of demonic possessions or the work of evil spirits.…